The Doctor of Business Administration is a program aimed at producing a Doctor of Business Administration degree with knowledge in management science, wide vision, leadership in business management innovation that supports national development. Also, doctorate students will have research ability and knowledge to be further developed and utilized as well as the role of wisdom in morality and ethics, along with the knowledge and ability to compete at both national and international levels which will be a role in sustainable economic development of the country.

ภาคการศึกษาที่ 1
ภาคการศึกษาที่ 2
Nov - Mar
Apr - May



 It must complete all the courses as specified in the curriculum. A student’s grade point average (GPA) must be no lower than 3.00, with a thesis proposal and passing the final oral examination by the committee appointed by the curriculum committee. And it must be an open system for interested parties to listen and must have English test results according to the criteria set by the curriculum committee. It is necessary to show proof of the dissertation or part of the dissertation that it has been published or at least accepted for publication in quality national or international journals or according to the discretion of the curriculum committee.